Stay Insane with Garage Punkrock from Germany

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Stereo Satanics are no more
(Picture by Boris Retzlaff)


16.5.11: Cha Cha Guerillas is the next thing to get killed by inner forces. 4th of June, Balingen, Sonnenkeller.

6.1.11: Found another press article about Surrounded By Ghosts. @ Hififi Sterereo.

24.12.10: Pidi shot a 3-hour movie of the Portugal Tour in March 10. It's funny as hell. But as this is too long to air over the web, Pidi broke it into two pieces like trailers and you're invited to watch it here:

Stereo Satanics' Portugal Tour Part 1
Stereo Satanics' Portugal Tour Part 2

4.12.10: Dan and Ralph got a new project running named The Dead Hands.

21.8.10: Nicke Hellacopter loves the Stereo Satanics!
"... Ich mag zurzeit noch The Hex Dispensers, ’77 from Spain und die Stereo Satanics aus Deutschland..."
Whad? You may ask. Well, obviously Satanics' boss Neil Leyton has given him something to hear, cause Nicke always complained about bad german bands. Nicke and Neil did some gigs together in Spain and Sweden lately.

Older news

Thank you, folks, for never ever letting us down, no matter what we did!
This is the end!
But why? Because our mission is to fail and this is the final consequence, our last failure: To call it quits!
You needn't have to miss us. We're all looking forward to future projects, at the moment:
The Dead Hands - starring Ralph and Dan
Fenders 55 - starring J. Wilde
The Cha Cha Guerillas starring Ralph quit as well around 2011
The Suicide Souvenirs starring Dan and Matze quit as well, anyway

A few links to follow:

Portugal 2010 Tourblog. Login to see the pics.
Stereo Satanics' Facebook-Site, run by Ana in Portugal
Stereo Satanics - LastFM-Site, run by Black Matze
Our label - Fading Ways
Head of Fading Ways, friend, musician and socialistic arts entrepreneur - Neil Leyton
The Label that put out "Whole Lotta Nothin'" - Subversiv Records
Our booking agency for Portugal - Fabulous Generation

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madcap (at)